Membership Benefits

NCMoMs hosted the 42nd Annual SCMOMC Workshop “Mighty MoMs”

By becoming a member you will have many different sources of help and camaraderie available. Some highlights of what NCMoMs has to offer:

  • Friendship and support from 120+ members
  • Access to NCMoMs’ private Facebook groups
  • Monthly general meetings (typically the 3rd Tuesday of each month)
  • Meals for new parents delivered by club members
  • Lending library of preemie clothing, breastfeeding pillows, and parenting books/videos
  • Playgroups organized by members based on children’s age and/or location
  • Seasonal/Holiday events for the whole family
  • “Moms/Dads Night Out” events
  • Fundraising and community outreach activities
    and much more!

Click here to join