Join Us

How to Join
Memberships are processed online, so please email our membership chair to receive information about how to join NCMoMs.

Please click here to contact us if you have any questions or if you need more information.

Annual Membership Dues
NCMoMs’ membership year runs from August 1 to July 31 of the following year. Standard Annual Dues are $40 per family and Reduced Annual Dues are $25 per family.

Payment Options
Dues may be paid online using Paypal at time of joining.

Standard Membership Types & Dues*
Membership Type Dues Amount Description
*Membership year runs August 1 through July 31 of the following year. Dues rates subject to change.
Standard Annual $40 Standard family rate
Reduced Annual $25
  • For multiples over age 5 (born on or before Sept. 1)
  • Or if you have triplets, quads, or more than one set of multiples
  • Or if you join late in the year (February-June)
  • Or if you join our board and help out